Test Certificate
In order to get an iSHARE Test certificate, the iSHARE organization needs to have:
Your company common name
Your company country
Your company EORI number (used as iSHARE identifier)
Click here to request your test certificate directly. To generate certificates and access the test satellite you need to enroll (request new certificate) and generate a test eiDAS certificate by selecting postpone for Key-pair generation. You also require a valid EORI but for the experimental phase, you can use test EORIs.
Note: Please note that test certificates should ONLY be used for testing purposes and to communicate test data. They are not reliable enough to be used for authentication outside of the test network, nor were they designed and distributed for that purpose. The iSHARE organisation provides the test certificates without warranty of any kind, and shall in no event or case be liable for any damage or liability in connection with the use of the test certificates
iSHARE Test certificates are issued by the iSHARE Test Certificate Authority. Please download the certificates as they are needed to trust iSHARE Test certificates when interacting with the test environment.
In case your knowledge of certificates could use a quick refreshment, please refer to the iSHARE Certificate ‘Cheat sheet’. This document gives a brief overview of common certificate types, how certificates are used within iSHARE and various OpenSSL commands for certificate conversion. Below is the certificate cheat sheet.
You can use the script in the following link to extract the certificate public keys and private key in various formats: https://github.com/iSHAREScheme/code-snippets/tree/master/Cert_Key_Extractor
For more information on digital certificates, visit Certificates Cheat Sheet.
Last updated